Hand-pitted cherries, stains on my counter, homemade pie crust…yes, please! I loved making it. And eating it.
What do you do when you have extra pie crust that you just can’t bear to pitch? You make a baby apple pie. Duh.
100% whole wheat baguettes-started in the bread maker, finished by the oven- makes yummy bread for dipping in oil, munching with soup, slicing for sandwiches, splitting for french bread pizzas…
My first roast chicken. I think it turned out pretty well! And of course, I tried it out on some friends we have over for dinner.
I found this donut recipe at the Salvation Army center, reportedly from World War I. Um, delish. We ate them ALL. With coffee.
Posted by Mom on February 22, 2012 at 4:49 am
Are you sharing the donut recipe? If so, I want it!
Posted by Natalie on February 22, 2012 at 11:22 am
I can…just ask 🙂