
I have purchased and used 3.5 Liters of vodka in the past week. Shocked yet?

You can stop researching  the nearest AA meetings and staging my intervention…I haven’t been drinking it, I’ve been crafting with it; behold, vanilla and mint extracts! A friend of mine gave me some homemade vanilla for Christmas last year and it was the most delicious, put-it-in-my-smoothie-every-morning, lovely vanilla I’ve ever smelled or tasted. Naturally, I had to make gobs of it for myself. Unfortunately, it won’t be ready for about 3-6 months. Boo. But good things come to those who wait, right? Cliché, yes…but applicable Winking smile.

The process of making vanilla

In the past three days, I have made and preserved (or eaten) strawberry jam, basil pesto, zucchini bread, vanilla, whole wheat bread…and dinners…painted some glass and picture frames, knitted, and drunk enough coffee to motivate a large family of sloths to compete in the 2016 Olympic decathalon.

Mint extract

Things I have learned from these endeavors:

  • never assume that your preferred scent (vanilla bean) will stick around and trump a despised smell on your fingers (garlic). By the way, Martha Stewart, your expensive and cute soap bar-shaped stainless steel thingy does NOT get rid of unwanted smells on hands. I want my money back.
  • spiders don’t discriminate; just because I love basil doesn’t mean the dreadful creatures will stay away from it. Note to self: wear gloves and shoes while pilfering the basil plants.
  • think harder before letting the dog out on his tether out back in the morning dew…some puppies just get to have more baths than others, I guess…I’m also not sure who won, the dog or the grass.
  • chalkboard paint is one of the coolest inventions ever.
  • mint is a delightful smell any time of day. my nose is still dancing, if that’s possible.
  • I need to make something with a lot of tomatoes very soon, because when you forget to pick them for a few days, there are a lot to pick!
  • Pinterest has made me eternally discontent with the decorated trendy/cuteness of my home. I thought I liked the way I had things done up until I go pin eight more amazing ideas that I won’t feel satisfied until I try…

I think that’s all the mind-junk I have to throw at you for now. I’m going to go finish painting my picture frame and then watch chalkboard paint dry, with colorful chalk at the ready…after which, I will try to convince my husband that our decorating budget should be bigger.

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