And the “I gave in and bought it at Meijer”
^ Check out my pretty plants that somebody else coaxed into the world
Granted, the basil looks a little untended…because it is…and I just pilfered it to make oodles of pesto. You may stop drooling now; it’s pretty good stuff. Now I want to go make a pesto turkey grilled cheese sandwich…
I’ve always heard that mint will take over and can resurrect itself anywhere. So I tried it: I ripped a stem off the mother plant and unceremoniously stuffed it into some dirt in a pot that has killed everything else I’ve ever planted in it. And the baby plant is thriving! And it even has another plant friend in there that I haven’t identified yet…but I’m gonna let it grow some and try to figure out what it is.
              Momma plant……………..……………………………………baby plant