My little balcony garden has done alright this summer! The beefsteak tomatoes turned out to be smaller (and tougher-skinned) than the cherry tomatoes, but that’s alright. My herb tower and other pots are still producing multitudes of mint, basil, and parsley. I think I had a stem of rosemary and some cilantro at one point, but those did not last long. After replanting lettuce in the empty soil of the “living lettuce†bowl that was supposed to produce lettuce all summer (apparently I picked it wrong), there is a nice little head of lettuce growing. The pepper plants produced two baby peppers that though small and stubborn (they took FOREVER to turn red!), were very tasty. The rest of my pepper plants, the lemon verbena (or something close to that), and the lavender I planted very late in the season are more decorative than fruitful at this point, but that’s alright. This is why we experiment, right?
A gnome has also been added to the garden family. He guards the herbs. Our dog…just likes to prance around the garden and make sure everything still smells the same as it did last time.